Online – Construction Pathway Course

Step Three: Hands-on Construction Experience 

If you are looking to gain experience to both boost your construction knowledge and improve your C.V., the two best ways to do this are by volunteering or carrying out unpaid work experience.

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Connect with your community
A quick search on Google or Facebook will bring up a list of local charities and community projects. Volunteering for projects like these help you to get some hands-on experience, meet friendly people who support their community and this also gives you the chance to show future employers that you’re a caring person who is willing to work in a team and help others.

Perhaps the community hall needs a quick lick of paint, or the local rough sleeper outreach team would like their stock room tidied and some shelves built? Or maybe you would like to volunteer on an Omni-Build project?

No matter how limited you think your skills are, there will be someone local to you that will be beyond grateful for you reaching out to them and offering your support.

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Seek out unpaid work-experience
One of the biggest worries for a construction employer is that new trainees will not enjoy hard work. As you begin your construction career you will see many new starters either not come back on their second day or walk off before lunch on their first. Hard graft is most definitely not for everyone.

Work-experience will help you to learn basic skills, skills that can be used when you start your work trial with your new employer – you’ll hit the ground running!

TOP TIP: We recommend that you ask for one day’s work experience with a local, well-respected company. This might be a great chance for you to try more than one trade to see which you prefer?

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While taking part in voluntary work or work experience you will require PPE (Personal Protective Equipment – listed in Step 4).

TOP TIP: If you buy your own PPE companies may be more likely to offer you work experience!

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There are many ways to contact local businesses and projects (see Step 5); by email is best, though Facebook can be easier – but remember!! Before you send anything over Facebook please understand that other people may be able to view your profile.

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Continue to step: 4